Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Because I love you...

I give you awesome fucking mix links! Click the link for the shizzle.

Ramadanman with funk, bass and booty: http://www.bestiblog.net/2010/06/bestimix-23-ramadanman.html

Headhunter's alter ego, Addison Groove, with a bumpin' FACT mix: http://www.factmag.com/2010/06/11/fact-mix-157-addison-groove/

This is actually kinda old, but well worth digging up. Contakt's Turrbotax Mix. Dubstep, garagey bits, & techno done right:

And because we all love Surgeon: http://hotfile.com/dl/41389318/3e0d5fc/Surgeon_-_Live_at_Dommune_Tokyo_-_04.05.2010.mp3.html

Also, Stacey Pullen owns you. http://soundcloud.com/r_co/stacey-pullen-a-brand-new-vibe-proton-radio-08-06-2010